For Clients

WElcome new client!

Registration Forms are Linked Below:

Mail the completed form & copies of proof to Belmont Food Pantry, PO Box 291, Belmont.  
If you are able, you can register by email. Attach the registration form to your email and send to
NOTE: as of 7/18/23 the registration form was updated to a pdf fillable form.

Beginning January 1, 2019 Belmont residents wishing to use the Belmont Food Pantry are required to bring a completed registration form, and a utility bill, or lease that has their NAME and Belmont ADDRESS along with a picture ID to be shown as proof to their first visit to the Belmont Food Pantry.  Please note that in the guidelines there are several requirements that need special attention.  One is that “You may arrive no more than one hour prior to pantry opening (because of space limitations and volunteer preparation, there is no space to wait inside the building)”. The other is that “You must use the Food Pantry four (4) times during the year to be eligible to receive gift cards during the holiday seasons”.  Also, residents are required to come to the pantry at least 2 months before the Winter Holidays to pre-sign up to receive a holiday gift card.

We look forward to seeing you!

Belmont Food Pantry Staff